Want to get more involved with SLAP’D? Apply to join the Teen Board!

hands together

What is the Teen Board?

At SLAP’D, we believe that they best way to create a space centered around and responsive to the needs of grieving teens is for our own community to be teen-led. The SLAP’D Teen Board is a group of committed teens from across the country who work together to make SLAP’D the best resource it can be for grieving teens. The Teen Board’s leadership and innovation helps shape our website’s content and resources. Teen Board members serve as ambassadors for SLAP’D both online and in their own communities.

What are the responsibilities of a Teen Board member?

Becoming a Teen Board member is a great way to gain leadership experience and have a platform to publish your creative work! The primary responsibility of the Teen Board is to actively generate content for the site in whatever format best suits their skill sets (articles, blog series, vlogging, etc.). The Teen Board are also responsible for approving and editing submitted content, providing ongoing feedback on the website, and maintaining contact with our grief and bereavement center partners in regards to Teen Board recruitment.

One member of the Teen Board will also be specifically appointed as the SLAP’D Social Media Coordinator. The Social Media Coordinator is responsible for managing and moderating the SLAP’D Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, as well as responding to and appropriately directing any email inquiries.

How can I apply to be a Teen Board member?

Download the Teen Board Application from the link below, then complete and submit it to us at contact@peerhealing.org. After your application has been received, we will contact you for an interview. Please feel free to direct any questions about the application or interview process to our team at contact@peerhealing.org.