Scared to Move Forward?

       After receiving help and support after a traumatic and life changing experience, a thought that would be normal to have is, “What now?” Many may even feel guilty about moving on with their life. But, there are many positive ways to start the process of moving forward and still fondly remembering that part of your life.

       A good first step would be to surround yourself with positive people, people that make you feel comfortable and safe. If you felt like a person in your life was making you feel bad about yourself, or negatively effecting you, it would be best to start this new chapter of your life off on a good foot and taking a step back from your relationship with them. Of course, be cordial and kind. This applies to adults too. It is harder to step back from relationships with adults (at least for me), but just as necessary, if not more. So instead of having a million “friends”, have those 5 best friends, and really connect with them.

       Find yourself a passion! This is the time in your life when you have the opportunity to explore the most. Try anything and everything, and if you find something, dedicate yourself to it and don’t give up on it if you think it is really something that you love. Dance, photography, music, editing, debate, and painting are some examples of things you could try. Some people find their passion right away, and some don’t. You will find yours, don’t worry.

       Write your feelings down daily in a journal. Not only will you appreciate the memories later in life, but this is a great outlet for when you are working things out in your mind. It is also proven to help you think clearer. The whole thing sounds like bogus, I know. But just try it. It might work for ya.

       Let yourself carry on with your life. I know. Easier said than done. But, I am pretty sure your loved one would like you to do just this. Find people, like this whole website, who are here for you and can help you if you ever. it. Probably, you have learned enough skills on here to have a plan on how to cope with something if it even comes up. But know that the positive people in your life are always there, if you need it. It is okay to be afraid, but you have been so brave so far, you don’t deserve to be afraid. So jump into that freezing pool. Stings a bit at first, but it warms up and you end up feeling good. Chase your dreams, and take special time for your loved one, but don’t let memories hinder you. In fact, let them push you even farther to do the best you possibly can.

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