Stay Brave (What It’s like Having a Friend Who Lost A Parent)

I have started and restarted this brief paragraph, looking for the right words to express my experiences and thoughts. But now I realize that they were right in front of me. Having a friend who has gone through this struggle is like having a friend that has more depth, sensitivity and understanding than most people. They have been through a loss that is, in my opinion, one of the roughest someone could go through. They prevail however, and that is an immense act of strength. A friend who has lost a parent can be the ultimate comfort when you need support, as well as an amazing listener. Of course this is provided that you get around the tall walls he or she has built around him or her.

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This Kind of Life

In the blurry, awful period immediately after my father died, the house where I’d spent half my life no longer felt like mine. Everything felt too quiet, too still. The lingering air of death and sadness was heavy all around us. The family dogs refused to leave my parents’ bedroom and even the sun seemed reluctant to shine, obscured behind a cloudy snowstorm that lasted all night and the following day.

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